Forum Discussion

Idriss_Ali's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

EV discovery accelerator

Hi All,

kindly i need your help, i installed EV discovery accelerator 11, but am not able to connect to http://localhost/evbaadmin/, it give me the below error

"You are viewing this site without administrator privileges. Run the browser as an Administrator and ensure 'Anonymous Authentication' is disabled for this web site."

i gave all the permissions on ISS but still the same problem

kindly your advice 



  • Hello, everyone;

    My apologies for the late addition to this thread.  We've been working on this issue for some time and have found a few causes.  The most recent cause was in my own lab.

    If you are still getting the error that you don't have rights and you are logged on as the Vault Service Account (VSA) AND this account is a member of the local Administrators group, do the following:

    1. Run the 'gpedit.msc' application.

    2. Browse to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.

    3. Scroll through the list to the 'User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode' option.

    4. If this option is set to 'Enabled', this is causing your problem.  Set it to 'Disabled'.

    5. Scroll through the list to the 'User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account' option.

    6. If this option is set to 'Enabled', this is causing your problem.  Set it to 'Disabled'.

    7. Scroll through the list to the 'User Account Control: Behaviour of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode' option.

    8. Ensure this option is set to 'Elevate without prompting'.

    If you have to change any of the above settings, you should restart the server to refresh the VSA permissions and access on the server.

14 Replies

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  • Are you logged into the DA server as the Vault Service Account?  You should install and configure DA whilst logged in as the VSA.

  • HI,

    IE version 11.0.96

    EV and DA are same version 11.0.1

    if i used administrator it gave me the below

    This page requires permissions which you currently do not have. See your Accelerator administrator if you need access.


  • What is your DA Server OS and what version of Internet Explorer?  

    What happens if you right click IE and choose to run it as an Administrator?