Forum Discussion

KohanS's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Format of displaying Receiver / Sender in DA

The problem is:
The format of email address that displaying in Discovery Accelerator  is: "<Name Surname> email". For example, "Serhii Kohan". 
If the Last Name is not specified, the EV in the search results in the FROM: or TO: fields, write 
But if name specified, it will only display the "Serhii Kohan", and then to find out what is the actually address of the recipient/sender - we have to open source code of mail and look to the header. 
We'd love to EV display the full address format, or at least only the e-mail address rather than a name. 
Our main goal is:
We need to make a reports of reviewed emails from DA, using SQL query in report template.
And we even achieved the result, using complicated query with JOIN clauses.
Now, we have the review report include such headers:

FROM: ---- TO: ---- SUBJECT: --- ATTACHMENTS: --- DATE: --- MARKS: --- TAGS: --- COMMENTS: ---

The problem is, that FROM: / TO: headers include only Name and Surname (for example: Serhii Kohan), instead of full email address, like: "Serhii Kohan".

We suppose that there is a table in some DB of EV, which has Name and Surname with actually email address.

We were researching in SQL DB to find some connection betwen Name Surname and email address. But did not find anything.
The TSE said that "This is a default behavior and EV can not display the full address format." and offer to make a feature enhancement.

But we know that if there is a possibility to search Sender or Recipient email address by Name or Surname there must be some table in DB which contain such info.


5 Replies

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  • Hi,

    I am not sure but following SQL query will give you result some where near which you expect.

    Note : Replace DACustodianManager with your 'DA Custodian Manager Database' Name :


    Use DACustodianManager

    Select tau.FirstName,tau.Surname,tau.DisplayName,ta.Address

    From tblAddressUser tau

    Inner Join tblAddress ta

    ON tau.AddressOwnerID=ta.AddressOwnerID

    Where ta.AddressTypeID=1


  • Hi Khon,


    Is above SQL query help you as per your requirment ?


  • Hello, Serhii;

    I apologize for not responding sooner.

    I may be over thinking your request, but I'm a bit confused as to what you mean with your statements

    "The format of email address that displaying in Discovery Accelerator  is: "<Name Surname> email". For example, "Serhii Kohan". 
    If the Last Name is not specified, the EV in the search results in the FROM: or TO: fields, write "

    Would it be possible for you to do the following and post the results so I can have a clearer idea of the display issue you are experiencing?

    1. Look in the DA preview pane for a message with the display similar to "Name Surname email" and note its DiscoveredItemID number in the upper right of the preview panel.

    2. Look again in the DA preview pane for a message with the display similar to '' and note its DiscoveredItemID.

    3. Run the following SQL query against the DA customer database, replacing 'DisoveredItemID#1' with the DiscoveredItemID of the item in Step 1 and replacing 'DiscoveredItemID#2' with the DiscoveredItemID of the item in Step 2, saving the output of the query to a file with the '.rpt' file extention:

    SELECT DiscoveredItemID
         , Author
         , Recipient
    FROM tblIntDiscoveredItems
    WHERE DiscoveredItemID IN (DiscoveredItemID#1, DiscoveredItemID#2);

    4. Copy the contents of the '.rpt' output file into a new entry to this post with a brief explanation of the search criteria used to find those items.  If necessary to meet security requirements, change the names and addresses, but keep the formating so I can see exactly what you're describing.



  • I am not sure you understand what would we like to get from SQL report.

    I will try to clarify. 

    First of all, we are using SMTP archiving. We do not have Exchange.

    I am attacing two screens of how does review panel look like, and how do we want it to be.

    I understand, that we can not change the view of review panel, but I know that it is possible to pull that data (email address of sender / recipient) from the DB to the report. 

    We need to make a reports of reviewed emails from DA, using SQL query in report template.

    Now, we have the review report include such headers:

    FROM: ---- TO: ---- SUBJECT: --- ATTACHMENTS: --- DATE: --- MARKS: --- TAGS: --- COMMENTS: ---

    Please look at attachments, we want to see in the report not only Name of sender/recipient, but email address .

  • Hello, Serhii;

    My apologies for taking so long to get back to this. We've been busier than expected working through actions involved with the operational separation of Veritas Technologies from Symantec Corporation.

    I'm a bit confused as to what you mean when you talk about a SQL report and then refer to the DA preview pane.  Is this report the actual view of the message in the preview pane?  If it is, then we won't likely make any change as the preview pane attempts to reproduce the view you would receive if the selected message is opened in Outlook.  Here's why:

    Outlook will only display the contents of the author and recipient field contents using the Display Name associated with the author and recipient IF the Display Name is included with the address information.  If the Display Name is not included, the SMTP address will be displayed.

    When EV archives a message, it converts the message to HTML in order to index the message's metadata and contents.  The DA preview uses the HTML rendering of the message in order to display an Outlook-like presentation and to allow for highlighting of search terms used to capture the message in a DA search.

    The goal with the preview pane is to display the message as close as possible to what you would see if the message was open in Outlook.

    In your screen shots, you displayed messages that have their xheader information open in a pane to the left of the preview pane.  In both of those xheader information panes, you've noted the SMTP addresses of the author and recipient.  Neither of those displays show the Display Name of the author or recipient.  The Display Name is found elsewhere in those messages.

    Now, when EV indexed those messages, it noted the Display Name in its field and the SMTP address in its field for the authors and recipients.  EV's indexing operation then puts that information together in the 'menv' (message envelope) and / or 'sere' (sender / receiver) indexed metadata identifiers with the appropriate HTML anchors to identify the Display Name from the SMTP address.  This is how we are able to search for items based on their Display Name and / or SMTP address.  This is not, however, used in the HTML rendering of the messages in the preview pane as that rendering comes from the message, not from the indexed metadata.