Forum Discussion

admin_laura's avatar
11 years ago

Monitored IDs by Department Logic

I am searching for the tables used to create the Monitored IDs by Department.  The objective is to create an exception report identifying persons who are not assigned to a department.  My IT folks believe they can create a solution but have requested souce details for Monitored IDs by Department

Thank you.

  • Hi admin laura,

    Please run following SQL query against CA Customer Database and you will get desire result.


    Select tc.CaseID 'DepartmentID',tc.Name 'Department Name',tu.EmployeeID,ta.Address 'EmailID'

    From tblAddressUser tu

    JOIN tblHistCaseAddressUser th

    ON th.AddressOwnerID=tu.AddressOwnerID

    JOIN tblCase tc

    ON tc.CaseID=th.CaseID AND th.EndDate IS NULL JOIN tblAddress ta ON ta.AddressOwnerID=tu.AddressOwnerID

    Where tc.Type=102 AND tu.MonitorStatusID=120 Order by tc.Name

    Query Result.jpg

  • Hi admin laura,

    Have you tried above script ?

    Is there anything i can help you ?