Forum Discussion

MKimler's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Sync Validation in Discovery Accelerator - Still an issue?

Symantec Team,

It seems the issue with Sync Validation in Discovery Accelerator still continues to show up even in 10.0.4 CHF3. Here's a link to previous thread but I again ran into a customer who has their hold release sitting in the "Idle" state and had a million items in "Remaining Items". After turning off Sync Validation in the DA settings, the issue immediately went away. My understanding was that this was supposed to be fixed in 10.0.2?


  • Greetings, MKimler;


    Are you talking about the Legal Hold Integrity Checker (LHIC) working to synchronize the legal holds between the Vault Store databases and the DA Customers?  I did a quick scan of the open engineering notices about issues with DA and did not find anything related to the LHIC not functioning properly.

    If you are talking about the LHIC not synchronizing properly and causing normal lega hold processing to not work correctly, please open a ticket with Support so we can look into it more deeply.