Forum Discussion

Tom_Cai's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

What is legal hold by custodian in EVDA Rel 10?

I heard that there is a new feature in EVDA Rel 10 that legal holds can be applied by custodian. Can anyone elaborate on that? I search the forum and couldn't find detail information. I basically want to apply holds to emails to select custodians without bringing in search results to DA SQL server, and then accepting, reviewing, that add a lot of overheads.

  • Hi Tom,

    There is no way to avoid the search results being written into the DA SQL database.

    What you might consider doing is changing how you journal so instead of everyone going into one journal archive your custodians go into a seperate archive that you can exclude from Storage Expiry.

    Just something to consider.

    Also, Clearwell should soon have the option to search EV indexes and be able to put items on hold.  That might actually be a better option for you.  Of course, we have to wait for it to be released but it should be very soon.


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  • You can do Custodian based search in both versions.  There really aren't significant changes as to how the searches occur but DA 10 does have some fixes and improvements around Custodian Manager synchronization.


  • Thanks for all the input. So Rel 10 doesn't have anything new and improved features over Rel 9 for my issue? I heard that there is a custodian based search. What's the major difference between Rel 9 case based search vs Rel 10 custodian based search? Thanks in advance. -Tom

  • They are only Journaling, hence my suggestion to him to organize they custodians to go to a different journal archive. 

    Also, the reason I mentioned Clearwell is that they are concerned with the size of the DA SQL database growing.  Also, I believe Clearwell will have a few more options when it comes to Legal Holds than what DA has, particularly if you will be able to release a custodian from a hold in Clearwell to allow Expiry to occur without having to release the entire case, which is the way it currently is in DA.

    As a side note, I have learned the integration is further out than what I had thought so it really is a mute point.

  • Hi Tom

    From the sounds of what you are looking for here 'Legal Holds' is an inappropiate solution. Essentially you can avoid an archive having anything expired from it by going into the archive's advanced properties and deselecting the option 'Delete expired items from this archive automatically' within the Storage Expiry section. Additionally you would need to disallow users from deleting anything within the archive. Obviously in order for this to work it needs to be at the mailbox archive level providing you have an archive for each custodian, if you are journaling all your custodians into a single or a few archives then you are probably going to be stuck with performing a search against each custodian and having DA apply the Legal Hold in that manner. I doubt very much that Clearwell will give you any more added benefit in this regard considering the scale of holds you are looking to apply.

  • Hi Tom,

    There is no way to avoid the search results being written into the DA SQL database.

    What you might consider doing is changing how you journal so instead of everyone going into one journal archive your custodians go into a seperate archive that you can exclude from Storage Expiry.

    Just something to consider.

    Also, Clearwell should soon have the option to search EV indexes and be able to put items on hold.  That might actually be a better option for you.  Of course, we have to wait for it to be released but it should be very soon.


  • Really the only thing you can do is scheduled and automatically accepted searches as far as I'm aware
  • Thanks for the response. I think using DA is fine. The only purpose is to place certain custodians' email on legal hold. We don't want to review/export these search results. We've seen the DA SQL server doubled its size after 10 cases. I guess using DA searching/applying legal holds automatically will bring those found items to SQL server, which is what I am trying to avoid. We do have other searches (with much narrow criteria, such as key words, date ranges, etc) that we do want to review and export. Any best practice out there would certainly be really helpful. Thanks in advance!

  • i havent heard of what you're describing but as you know, legal hold is all about making sure that you/users/system can't delete items from their archive that are relevant to a legal case. to me it sounds like you basically want to do this without using DA which i dont think is possible.