Forum Discussion

tmurray1's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Metadata Search - Find all Word Documents with Specific Author

Hello.  Does Clearwell Advanced Search have the ability to search a documents metadata?  More specifically, search entire corpus where document type is Word and author is "First, Last" or "Last, First".  Searching for a document type is straight forward but searching for a document author is not obvious. 

Thank you.

  • Hello tmurray1,

    Under advanced search, you could try the 'freeform' radio button.

    Under the queries heading and in the textbox '... and apply this file query:', try:

    u_NEAMetadata:"Fname, Sname"

    That will search the file metadata for "Fname, Sname", I can't see anyway to specify solely the author but this will let you work with the metadata on the file.

    For more information on freeform searches, take a look at this: HOWTO95659

2 Replies

  • Hello tmurray1,

    Under advanced search, you could try the 'freeform' radio button.

    Under the queries heading and in the textbox '... and apply this file query:', try:

    u_NEAMetadata:"Fname, Sname"

    That will search the file metadata for "Fname, Sname", I can't see anyway to specify solely the author but this will let you work with the metadata on the file.

    For more information on freeform searches, take a look at this: HOWTO95659

  • Hi Daly Whyte.  This is exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you!