Forum Discussion

Andy_Joyce_VERI's avatar
8 years ago

New Podcast Available - An eDiscovery Platform Customer Story

Hi all

Following fast on the heels of our 1st episode (which is about EV SMTP archiving vs. Exchange Journaling), I’m pleased to announce our second Veritas Information Intelligence podcast is now available. 

For this 2nd episode, Andre Steyn (one of our II TEC Instructors) took the opportunity to interview one of his eDiscovery Platform students about their use of eDP in their 300,000 user organisation.  The podcast is only 5 minutes long but is an interesting insight into how a large organisation is using eDiscovery Platform.

If you are not already subscribed to the Information Intelligence Podcast RSS feed, please subscribe using the steps below.  We hope to get more II podcasts out on a regular basis, covering a range of topics related to our eDiscovery, Archiving and Information Governance solutions.

To subscribe using iTunes do the following…

Open iTunes

Click File > Subscribe to Podcast…

Enter this url

That should be it.  If you use different podcast software, I’m sure you know how to subscribe to a feed. 

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