Forum Discussion

HayBaker's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

10.0.4 configuration

We've got a running 9.0.5 EV server with about a TB of archives, and I've now installed 10.0.4 running on a VMware Guest.  I'm wanting a clean slate on the configuration of the new server, without any configuration baggage from the old server. 

Can I configure my new server with its own Site and databases and still migrate archives from the original Site?

Will a single VAC connect to and show both Sites and allow me to use basic tools to move archives from one site to the other?

Can both EV servers access the same Exchange 2010 server, and update the shortcuts in user mailboxes for the new location after being moved?


Thanks for any help.

  • I believe you can install with only 6GB, but shortly afterwards I would look at moving the indexes (in mass) to a different location.  Additionally you'll be creating an IndexMetaData (EVIndexing folder) location that should be moved to a different location as well.  At this point it might be a good idea to consider bringing in an EV consultant to assist with this situation. 

7 Replies

  • Can I configure my new server with its own Site and databases and still migrate archives from the original Site - Yes but your only option is Move Archive so make sure you understand it really well. -

    Will a single VAC connect to and show both Sites and allow me to use basic tools to move archives from one site to the other? - Yes. but you're going to have to create a new Directory since you want a different EV version so you just add another EV addin to the MMC -

    Can both EV servers access the same Exchange 2010 server, and update the shortcuts in user mailboxes for the new location after being moved? - i would strongly caution against this -

  • I apparently choose poorly yesterday, and started the EV Configuration process on my new server, electing to join an existing site.  That triggered an upgrade process on my existing server which apparently tried upgrade the schema of my Directory Database, and subsequently crashed.  Unfortunately, that Configuration action did not have any version compatibility checks prior to making a change on the database, and now my production server running 9.0.5 directory service does not work and my archives are inaccessible.  I wish there was a way to rollback that change to the database so that I can recover 9.0.5 functionality, undoing whatever the 10.0.4 configuration did.  Any suggestions?

  • Hopefully you have a backup of your SQL databases prior to the event.  Otherwise you'll need to run the upgrade on your production server to get it all back up.

  • The only reason at this point that I have not started that upgrade on the old server is available disk space.  The Indexes have grown substantially (my fault for not monitoring better) and I now have only 6 GB of free space on the C: drive.  Do you feel that is enough space to proceed with the Install?  The C: drive is 68 GB and the Indexing folder is taking about 40 GB.  It concerns me with the new indexing engine how the old indexes are handled and regenerated.

  • I believe you can install with only 6GB, but shortly afterwards I would look at moving the indexes (in mass) to a different location.  Additionally you'll be creating an IndexMetaData (EVIndexing folder) location that should be moved to a different location as well.  At this point it might be a good idea to consider bringing in an EV consultant to assist with this situation. 

  • Thank you, and you are right.  I wish I'd brought one in for the whole project!