Forum Discussion

mike_niccum's avatar
18 years ago

6796 and 6605 during Expiry

I am receiving these errors while running expiry.  Two servers dedicated to Journaling with Centera on the backend.  Any help would be appreciated.  Expiry is set to 1 day.  There is only 53GB of 68GB of free space available where as there is 67GB of 68Gb available (what I wouled expect) on the other server.  I get the 6604 event ID giving the summary of the expiry on the other server.
Category: Storage Delete
EventID: 6796
A COM exception has been raised.
The specified Collection does not exist. [0xc0041aaf]
Internal reference
.\VaultStoreDB.cpp (CVaultStoreDB::UpdateCollection) [lines {5519,5529,5532,5533,5534,5535,5536,5537,5540,5543}] built Nov 24 23:19:20 2006
An exception is raised when a process encounters an unexpected fault.

Category: Storage Delete
EventID: 6605
Failed to process all expired items in Vault.
Catastrophic failure  [0x8000ffff]
Vault Name: xxxxxxx
Vault Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2 Replies

  • Verify that Centera replication is working correctly. You say that Expiry is set to one day can you provide more info on how the Vault Store Partition is configured as it relates to Centera and whether or not you using Centera classes.
  • I would recommend capturing a DTrace of StorageDelete amidst the expiry run.  Monitor it closely so that it doesn't grow to large in size.  Also, what does "report mode" show as eligible for expiry?