Forum Discussion

Ampersound's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

Storage Expiry question

We have an EV11 environment in place which has never had any retension policys set other than "Forever" and storage expiry was never enabled.

Two years ago all Exchange mailboxes were moved to the cloud and then as you can imagine, that stopped EV from archiving and any syncronisation stopped too.

Rolling onto today, I have been asked to enable an 8 year retension on a couple of test subject, created the policy, added the users to the test AD account linked, created the 8 year catagory. I can see the updated policys being applied to the two users in the Provisioning Task report but as their mailboxes are offpremise I imagine nothing is being applied?

I've enabled Storage Expiry and had hoped to see the index of these two test users to reflect the older items being deleted. I've checked the Event Logs on the servers where these two archives are and I have not seen any events being created to say that the items are being targetted for deletion.

Any ideas what I'm missing? Can retensions be applied to old archives that no longer access their mailboxes?

Many Thanks,



10 Replies

  • Hi Andy, 

    the following article should shed some light onto how this is handled. 

    About retention categories

    excerpt from it: 

    "If you assign a different retention category to a mailbox folder, or standard archive folder, Enterprise Vault only assigns the new retention category to new items that are archived from the folder or moved into it. Enterprise Vault does not change items that it has already archived..."

    Based on this your modifications won't have any impact on the items already present in the archives. Did you think about modifying the categories that are already in use? 


    Another good explanation can be found here:







    • Ampersound's avatar
      Level 3

      Thanks Marc. I'll have a read of those links and have a think about what to do next.

      I didnt apply it to the exisiting catagories yet as "The Business" wanted me to test on a couple of users before hitting the entire estate. If that is the only way forward, I'll have to convince them to enable it in bulk on the current retention the archives have assigned.

      Kind Regards,


      • GertjanA's avatar


        Marc is right, creating a new retention and assigning that to user will not revert the existing one.

        You will have to change your existing one to what it needs to be. After you have changed it, you can run Storage Expiry in report mode. That will show how much will be deleted. (in EV Eventlog)

        If you do not have to many archives, you could change settings on the archives. On the properties, advanced tab, you should deselect the "Delete expired items from this archive automatically". If you do this for all archives, except a few, and then change the current retention, then run expiry, it will only do the archives where you left the check enabled. If you have a lot of archives, you might be able to somehow do this in SQL, but I'm not sure how to.