Archive an Exchange Mailbox to multiple EV Archives
Hi All
I have an EV archive which has more than 20 million emails in it and to speed up searches for recent emails, we wish to archive the corresponding Exchange mailbox into a new EV archive starting from 01-Jan-2018.
On 01-Jan-2018 we will be running the following command everyday prior to synchronisation so that no mails younger than 31-Dec-17 are archived to the old archive. This will only restrict archiving but not access to the archive, so the user can still search the archive.
Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy -Name "ArchivePolicyName" -MinimumArchiveAge (New-TimeSpan -Start 01-Jan-2018).Days -MinimumArchiveAgeUnits 0
Subsequently, on about 5-Jan-2018 we shall disable the mailbox from archiving to the old archive and then enabling the mailbox again to create a new archive. In effect, the user would be able to view two archives in EVS, the old/dormant archive and the new archive which includes emails from 01-Jan-2018 onwards.
Question: Will the user still be able to retrieve and then restore archived items from the old/dormant archive (archived prior to 01-Jan-2018) by double-clicking the corresponding shortcuts in the Exchange mailbox?
When u re-enable the mailbox for archivng, there is a option called "Deselect Archive" on bottom right (see attached pic), click on that option, it will create a new archive automatically...