Forum Discussion

stullier's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Problem archiving from Exchange 2013

We recently setup some new Exchange 2013 SP1 servers in our environment.  We are using EV 10.0.4.

We are not having any issues archiving from our existing Exchange 2007 SP3 servers, but we cannot start the archive tasks against our Exchange 2013 servers.

When we try, we see event ID's 3460 and 2256:

3460: The Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for <server>' failed to log on to Exchange server '<server>' using mailbox 'SMTP:<system mailbox address>'.  Check that the mailbox has not been hidden, that the server is running and that the vault service account has sufficient permissions on the server.

Enterprise Vault used the following settings for the Outlook Anywhere connection to Exchange 2013:

   Proxy server:'<autodiscover address>'

   Requires SSL: 'True'

   Certificate principal: 'msstd:<autodiscover address>'

2256: The Archiving Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for <server>' could not be started due to startup errors.


I have verified autodiscover is working by setting up a new outlook profile for the system mailbox on the EV server and successfully accessing it.

I have also verified that the Vault Service Account can access the mailbox and send mail from it

I have attached a section of the dtrace log to this post

  • We solved it!

    One of our consultants suggested removing the Exchange Server from the Targets list and adding it back, using the FQDN instead of just the host name.

    Now the archive task starts successfully without error.

    I'm not sure why it did not work by only specifying the host name.



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