Forum Discussion

jabranmsa's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Archive Provisioning Criteria

Hi Community,

With Enterprise Vault obviously we can have provisioning groups based on AD Group / OU etc. but when that is used what is the underlying criteria for determing what in that Group / OU should have an archive provisioned against it?.

Does it do any sub-query for Users in the Group or OU that has a mailboxGUID attribute or homeMDB?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Jamie Brandwood

  • No probs. From what I know, it looks at the msExchMailboxGUID attribute.

  • Hi Jamie,

    When the provisioning runs, it looks in the AD Group/OU (and subgroups/OUs) for all users that have an active mailbox and it adds them to the ExchangeMailboxEntry table in the EV Directory DB. 

    Then, when the archiving task starts, it looks at the ExchangeMailboxEntry table and looks at the new mailboxes, and then looks at the provisioning group that they are part of and see's whether it's set to Automatically Enable. If it is, the new user gets enabled, a new archive is created and assigned to that user. If Automatically Enable is not set, you will have to enable the mailboxes for archiving manually.

    • jabranmsa's avatar
      Level 3

      Thanks for the quick response Virgil, greatly appreciated.

      When it looks in said OU / Group what does it use to dertermin whether the user has an "Active" mailbox? does it look for the msExchMailboxGUID or mxExchHomeMDB attribute to be polulated? or even a combination or both / other attributes?

      • VirgilDobos's avatar

        No probs. From what I know, it looks at the msExchMailboxGUID attribute.