Forum Discussion

Thomas_L_'s avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Archived Items Access Report


i have a question about the Archiv Access Report in EVAULT. I need more detailed information about access to Files.

We use EVault for FileServer, an i want to know which Files are used from Archiv. When i start the Archiv Items Access

Report i only see a Number... The is no Different between Summary an Detaild?

Did i somthing wrong.

  • Reading the documentation, it looks like thats all you will get, i think you'd need AuditViewer to get more detailed output as to what is being opened

6 Replies

  • If you go to your EV Server properties and on the Auditing tab
    Do you have View as both Detailed and Summary or just summary only?

  • Reading the documentation, it looks like thats all you will get, i think you'd need AuditViewer to get more detailed output as to what is being opened

  • The customer want to know what is the different between "Summary" and "Detail". Because

    on both views the same is showing.

    He want´s to know which Files ar often take back from archiv or wihich User takes files often fraom Archiv.

  • Yep looks like you have to use either Audit Viewer... or use the information from the IIS log files.