Forum Discussion

Chris_Bamforth's avatar
16 years ago

Basic Centera Collections Question


I have a very basic question and someone can hopefully re-assure my mind.

We have deployed FSA and archived all the DOCs from one file server.  The Vault usage page shows that we have 10952 items in about 11GB.

The Centera shows us 11GB but only 3924 file and 550 clips.

We use collections and I understand this rolls up files into less clips which explains the number of clips perfectly.  But why so few files?  Surely not dedupe as I wouldn't have thought there would be quite so much duplication on this server?

I have checked all logs and there are no errors reported so I'm fairly sure all is well, but hope someone can put my mind at rest please and explain the number of files shown on Centera?
  • Centera stores files in C-Clips. Each C-Clip represents any number of files up to 10MB so many files end us being stored as one on the Centera.

    If you have a file larger than 10MB the centera splits the file into many parts but if most of your files are less than 10MB then chances are they are stored in many c-clips

    This would explain the difference

    Centera does not see files. It only sees BLOBS (Binary Large OBjects) As far as Centera is concerned it has a pile of Binary objects stored inside it's C-Clips it does not count files 

17 Replies

  • Centera stores files in C-Clips. Each C-Clip represents any number of files up to 10MB so many files end us being stored as one on the Centera.

    If you have a file larger than 10MB the centera splits the file into many parts but if most of your files are less than 10MB then chances are they are stored in many c-clips

    This would explain the difference

    Centera does not see files. It only sees BLOBS (Binary Large OBjects) As far as Centera is concerned it has a pile of Binary objects stored inside it's C-Clips it does not count files 
  • Yeah, I know about clips, it's the files I'm uncertain about..  There are only 550 of them so far.  This fits exactly with what is in in the database.  For review the stats are.

    Actual Data (DOC & RTF files only):  10952 files equaling 14.61GB
    Enterprise Vault Reports:   10952 files equaling 11.3GB (Compressed figure I guess but expected more of a reduction)
    Centera Reports:  3924 files in 550 clips equaling 11GB (Snippet below from show pool detail command)

    Pool Quota: 2,048 GB
    Used Pool Capacity: 11 GB
    Free Pool Capacity: 2,037 GB
    Number of C-Clips: 550
    Number of Files: 3924
    Number of scheduled tasks: 0

  •  The only explination I have is that EV8 is doing the SIS at a lower level that Centera and so the actual stored items is far less because of this

    Seeing as I'm not using EV8 yet I cant give you a way to identify this other than FSA reporting
  •  If you are worried I recomend opening a Sev 3 call with Symantec and have them put your mind to rest. I know that in my environment the data stored on Centera has never failed me. It has always returned every item i have expected it to without fail.
  • Chris,

    I forgot to mention this

    EVCenterachecker will give you an item by item check between whats in EV and whats on the Centera.

    It does take some time to run, last time i ran it on one of my larger vaultstores it took 30 days. This will set your mind at rest.

  • Hi there

    Do you need more info on this subject?
    If not, could you mark a Post that suits as a Solution?

    Thanks & Cheers