Forum Discussion

Mike_R's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Cannot Connect To Enterprise Vault Directory

Hello all, can someone point me to the right direction?  I can't get new users to access the EV Admin Console.  I get the "Cannot conect to the the Enterprise Vault Directory on "ServerX.  THe account you are using does not have sufficient priviliedges...."   I can log in as the admin account with no issues, but we want to add other user accounts to monitor changes that person does and by a generic admin account.  Any ideas what Im missing?  Where do I give users permissions???
  • Have a read of this article I wrote about RBA (roles based administration).  Most of it will apply to previous versions as well.

1 Reply

  • Have a read of this article I wrote about RBA (roles based administration).  Most of it will apply to previous versions as well.