Forum Discussion

Marc_Cacciola's avatar
19 years ago

Cannot restore item from vault search or create basket with browser search

I’m having an odd issue with archive searching. Here’s how it goes:

1.Open Outlook 2003.
2.Click the ‘Search Vaults Button’
3.Use a keyword and get a list of archived mail
4.When I click the restore whole item button next to the archived mail I get a ‘Could not restore the item due to a server error’ response.
5.If I find the shortcut in my inbox and choose Tools>Enterprise Vault>Restore from vault, it works.

Using the browser search:

1.Go to ‘’
2.Enter a keyword search and I am presented with a list of archived mail
3.If I try to create a new basket by clicking the ‘Create new basket’ button I get a ‘Failed to get the list of baskets’ response. Coupled with event log errors on the EVault server:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Enterprise Vault
Event Category:Web Application (WP)
Event ID:5152
Time:6:49:05 PM
Failed to get the basket descriptions:
Shopper: OURDOMAIN\user

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Event Type:Error
Event Source:Enterprise Vault
Event Category:Web Application (WP)
Event ID:5144
Time:6:49:05 PM
The Shopping Service did not create the shopper's subdirectory under the expected root directory.

Expected root directory:


For more information, see Help and Support Center at

We keep our vault store and shopping directory on a DFS share, not sure if that is causing the problem. Any and all suggestions are appreciated, I will probably blow the server away and start from scratch if I cant square this away by EOB Monday.

  • You might want to triple check permissions on that folder and subdirectory and make sure the VSA has full control

6 Replies

  • Funnily enough if you'd clicked the hyperlink to in the event it tells you about that error occurring when storing shopping based on non local drives.....
  • Hi,

    Did this used to work?

    I would certainly try and move the shopping directory to C: drive.
    I've seen issues when it's not on local disk.
  • I'll give it a shot. It never worked as this is a new server. Will post ASAP.

    Thanks for the reply.
  • Bizarre! If I use local storage as you suggested, I’m good. If I use DFS or the UNC path to the DFS share it won’t work. My vault service account has full share and NTFS access. I’ll keep experimenting with network storage.

    I would say you answered my question and saved the day. Thanks!!!
  • I too have the same errors, but my shopping folder is on the local disk and it used to work:

    Event Type:Error
    Event Source:Enterprise Vault
    Event Category:Web Application
    Event ID:5144
    The Shopping Service did not create the shopper's subdirectory under the expected root directory.

    Expected root directory:

    D:\Enterprise Vault\Shopping

    then i get:

    Event Type:Error
    Event Source:Enterprise Vault
    Event Category:Web Application
    Event ID:5143
    Failed to create a new basket
    Shopper: %domain%\%username%
    BasketName: ronel

    in the web application the following error:

    �Creation of the basket by the Shopping Service failed�

    Everything else works, its just when you try and restore an old email from vault search or the internet, then you get error messages.

    What could it be????
  • You might want to triple check permissions on that folder and subdirectory and make sure the VSA has full control