Forum Discussion

Fiona's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Change Bill Usage to..................

EV 10.0.4

We have a situation where we had another domain added to our network which has now been decommissioned and the users moved into our domain.

In the Archives | Exchange Mailbox view the "Bill Usage to" still points to their account in the old domain  OLDdomain\User

This domain has now been decommissioned but the Bill usage to still shows old domain.

If the user has now left it hasn’t changed to Account Unknown (|S-1-5-21….etc)

1.  Is there any way to correct the Bill usage to pick up  the new domain if their account still exists - NEWdomain\Username

2.  Or to clear the Bill Usage to if the user no longer exists?



  • IF it were me, i'd probably null out the owningtrusteeidentity in the root table for everyone and then use the PopulateBillingAccount registry key

9 Replies


    1.  Is there any way to correct the Bill usage to pick up  the new domain if their account still exists - NEWdomain\Username --- If you just want to the change the billing account you have to do it manually.

    as the user is moved to a different domain and its SID is change you may refer the following article.

    2.  Or to clear the Bill Usage to if the user no longer exists? You can associate the the billing account with the one which is active in AD


  • Thanks for your reply.

    I should have mentioned that I have hundreds of these and was wondering if there was anyway of scripting it.

  • check the 2nd link

  • check the 2nd link

  • Its slightly more complicated than that due to the thousands of archives we have.

    I need a script which can identify whether or not the account has an current AD in the NEWDomain. (too many too check individually).

    So the Bill usage account will be OLDDomain\User

    Permissions will either have NEWDomain\User or they have left and the only account showing will be OLDDomain\User

    So I was wondering how I could identify these with a script then I can change using the script you have linked.

  • You can run the vault storage summary report which will list the billing account .

  • IF it were me, i'd probably null out the owningtrusteeidentity in the root table for everyone and then use the PopulateBillingAccount registry key

  • Can you direct me to a technote or KB article on using this registry key please?

  • If you search the VAC help or look in the Registry_Values.pdf you will find it. 





        \Enterprise Vault


    0 — Do not repopulate the Billing Owner field on archives where it is blank. (Default.)

    1 Repopulate the Billing Owner field on archives where it is blank.

    In archives for which no billing owner is specified, lets you specify one by synchronizing with the mailbox.