Forum Discussion

paguti20's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Change Port Web Acces application

I need change port of Web Access application in my Vault Site , what change must be do in IIS, Vault Site and clients.

help me with this procedure. Archive start three month ago


  • You can refer the technote below to configure EV with SSL certificate on Windows 2008 R2 :-

    As LCT pointed out you will need to recreate the existing shortcuts inorder to update them with the new https url.

    Ensure the certificate common name matches the DNS alias of EV server or EV server FQDN. You can easily look it up in the ComputerEntry table 'ComputerName' field.


4 Replies

  • It´s by security reason, only use Enterprise Vault 10 for Exchange Server , I don´t have FSA ans Sharepoint archiving.

    I need to change port to SSL port 442 

  • What's the reason for the port change and what will you change the port number to? 443? Changing the default port can be a bit messy, do you have FSA EV or and Sharepoint archiving installed on the EV servers?

    I believe if you change the port to a non-standard port then your environment will not be supported. Best to ask Tech Support about this.

    If you want to change it to 443 then you change it on the EV Site properties as you have already taken a screenshot. Then you need to change IIS to use the same port and of course you need the valid SSL certificates etc. installed on the EV server, using the SAN certs.

    You will then need to update all the EV shortcuts to update the webappurl.

    Hope this helps.


  • You can refer the technote below to configure EV with SSL certificate on Windows 2008 R2 :-

    As LCT pointed out you will need to recreate the existing shortcuts inorder to update them with the new https url.

    Ensure the certificate common name matches the DNS alias of EV server or EV server FQDN. You can easily look it up in the ComputerEntry table 'ComputerName' field.


  • I am not being picky... But changing a port number will not increase security. Using SSL as you have done, will do.