Forum Discussion

Steve_Martin1's avatar
13 years ago

Changing DNS Alias of server

Hi There - I've read a lot of discussions and articles about this procedure, so this should be a simple question/answer.  When changing the DNS Alias do the EV Services need to be stopped during the change?




  • Probably for the best, it will be quick and easy to do the change, but if you don't stop it, you will get read failures when people try to restore items that maybe shared on that particular EV Server and you may have issues storing items as well until that server is fully resolvable

10 Replies

  • Probably for the best, it will be quick and easy to do the change, but if you don't stop it, you will get read failures when people try to restore items that maybe shared on that particular EV Server and you may have issues storing items as well until that server is fully resolvable

  • Yes you would need to reboot the servers when the change has taken place and waited for the DNS replication to take place.

  • You shouldn't need to reboot at all, you're not making any changes to the server itself, you're just changing a DNS record, after all that would mean if you were to do USL you would need to reboot after changing the DNS etc so USL would be an awful solution for any kind of high availability

  • Understood but a reboot would allow everything to refresh. I know you could just flush the dns. But if you able to reboot why not 

  • Thanks for the replies! This EV server is only for Journaling (compliance and discoveries), it doesn't do mailbox archiving.  Does that make a difference?

  • Since this is only used for compliance and discoveries, is a service stop or restart necessary? 

  • Yes on restart of the services.  Restart for DA/CA service as well.

    That way you can monitor everything is communicating okay.

  • Thanks Tony - what should be tested to verify the change is successful?  (if the change wasn't successful, what does an incorrect or bad DNS alias affect most?)


    Thanks everyone!


  • You will want to look for any errors in the App log after the services restart.  Verify you can still search and view items from DA/CA.