Forum Discussion

GulzarShaikhAUS's avatar
9 years ago

Need to change the EV server name to CNAME alias

Dear All,

During a health assessment of an EV environment we came to know that the EV server is configured with the server name directly instead of using the CNAME alias as per the best practice. Now we also have a task to prepare the DR for thier servers and I nwat to get CNAME alias working before we do that. Is there any documented process to achieve this?


  • Hi Thanks for your reply, In my experience this forum has been useful when it comes to understand different approach of completing the difficult task. I am quite happy with second approach provided it tested out correctly.

    Steps can be:- Rename EV server with new host name, In DNS delete existing hostname and create a new alias with old host name & point that to new host name of EV server.

    By doing that, we really don’t need to repair existing placeholders/shortcut, Excellent approach in my perspective.

    Following tech note may assist you to know EV configuration changes.

    “How to rename an Enterprise Vault (EV) Server” 



9 Replies

  • Hi

    Check if following tech note helps your requirement.

    "How to change the DNS alias of the Enterprise Vault server"


    Pradeep Papnai


  • Hi Pradeep,

    The technote talks about changing the alias and not the transition from static hostname based design to alias based design. 

    I was thinking of aproaching this as changing the name of the EV server itself to something else and using the current EV server name as alias which will then point to the new EV server name. In this condition which SQL entry do I need to update? what are the other changes required. With this approach my existing shortcuts should work. Also not that we have file server archiving which means I will have to recreate the whole placeholder in case I change the alias.

  • Hi,

    There is no specific tech note OR document as far as I know for static host name design approach to alias based design. Our recommendation is to have alias based approach since the version I have seen so far.

    In your situation if host name & alias are same then you can create a new alias (example EValias) and point to host (ex:- EVhost) in DNS server. In EV side you need to run update query listed in TN TECH179428, Example:-

    Use EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    Update ComputerEntry
    SET ComputerName = 'EValias'
    WHERE ComputerName = 'EVhost'

    There should not be any issue while retrieval old placeholders/shortcut as the URL (http://evhost/enterprisevault) should be accessible and new placeholders will create using EV-alias in metadata. But the old placeholders may not work during DR as ‘EVhost’ would not be accessible. For long term solution, the old placeholders needs to recreate (using FSAUtitlity). If you are using Exchange archiving and EV links are present in shortcut body then the existing shortcut body needs to recreate using the information supplied in tech note TECH47364.

    Above are my best effort suggestion, to confirm above points, you can verify above approach with Symantec partner before coming to any conclusion.

  • Thanks Pradeep. My confusion remains .. 

    As far as I understand I have take two approaches -

    1. Create a new CNAME record for EV alias, -> This requires shortcut recreation 

    2. Renaming the EV server itself and use the existing EV server name as CNAME record for EV alias. This way I believe I dont need to recreate the aliases. Also I just need to update one column entry EVAlias(which is actualy confusing as the EVAlias is physical EV server name and not the CNAME)


    I would prefer to take the second approach... What do you think

  • since the server name isnt changing you shouldnt have to rebuild the shortcuts. just make sure to include the server name and the new alias in the policy for local intranet settings.

  • Hi Thanks for your reply, In my experience this forum has been useful when it comes to understand different approach of completing the difficult task. I am quite happy with second approach provided it tested out correctly.

    Steps can be:- Rename EV server with new host name, In DNS delete existing hostname and create a new alias with old host name & point that to new host name of EV server.

    By doing that, we really don’t need to repair existing placeholders/shortcut, Excellent approach in my perspective.

    Following tech note may assist you to know EV configuration changes.

    “How to rename an Enterprise Vault (EV) Server” 



  • Hi,  The approach we discussed should work without any issue provided it tested out in LAB to confirm. If you feel any confusion then contacting Symantec partner should be a good idea.

  • :) I am the Symantec partner and we are not provided with all necessary information required. I will open a case with support and would get a opinion from them.