Forum Discussion

ChayDouglas's avatar
11 years ago

Custom Filtering - Exclude Folder

Hi Guys,

I have Custom Filtering in place on my closed environment and currently have the following Rule in place:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<RULE_SET xmlns="x-schema:ruleset schema.xdr">
<!--Example Rule 1: This rule will exclude any email from archiving
if it originates from someone in the Employee Benefits distribution list.-->
It currently works as required - emails from User (Sally Clarke) are not archived. However, I would like to add a condition that is based on folder as well.
I would like the rule to be:
 If email from Sally Clarke AND in folder "Subfolder" - DO NOT ARCHIVE.
Currently I can't find the ability to exclude a folder without using EVPM scripts, is it possible using custom filtering? Is my attempted rule possible in any way?


5 Replies

  • You do it using EVPM ...

    directorycomputername = evserver
    sitename = evx
    DistinguishedName = /o=First Org/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=John
    Name = \FolderABC
    FilterName = DoNotArchive
    OverrideArchiveLocks = TRUE
    That's how to exclude a FOLDER.
    Afaik you can't have the combination of folder + email.



  • Hi Rob,

    Cheers for that. That's what I thought.

    Was just testing how granular we can make Custom Filtering.

    Say I use that EVPM script to exclude a folder and then apply a custom filtering for all specified users using the ACTION="ARCHIVE_ITEM" feature - would the EVPM script take precedence over Custom Filtering?


  • No worries, I am trying to run some tests, but even though the EVPM script worked and the folder says, "Enterprise Vault Archiving Policy - This folder is set to 'Do not archive'" I can still manually store items within the folder.