Delete a Vault Store & Partition after archive migration
Hoping this is an easy question. :)
EV 12.5.2 on Windows Server 2012 R2
I just finished moving 60+ Exchange Mailbox archives from some old storage (ExchangeMailbox VaultStore) onto Dell EMC ECS (EmailStorage Vault Store).
I now want to delete the old Vault store (ExchangeMailbox) but noticed that there is still quite a bit of disk storage 'in use' there. I previously set sharing to 'No Sharing' and wasn't expecting much to be left on the old storage.
Is the old VS and VSP safe to delete now? Is there some way to tell if there is still something in the old VS that needs to be kept?
many thanks,
Start by checking the saveset table of this VS. Are there still entries availble?
If so, perform a Verify - DatabaseReferences operation against it.