Forum Discussion

AKL's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Enterprise Vault - Map Centera Storage as Mount Point


We've an Enterprise vault 9.0.4 CU5 environment along with backend Centera storage. Recently there was issue when centera devices got full while I was on vacation and on return had to work with Symantec support to assist clearing up collection folder/savesets that got backlogged on our EV servers.

Towards end of the case. He told me that I can map centera device as mount point on Enterprise vault server such that it can monitor for space utilization on centera. I wasn't really sure it was feasible so I asked him steps for same. He told me he'll look on same and send me the article around same but haven't heard back since then.

I was wondering if someone knows if it is feasible to do so and if yes - how?

Thank You

  • Centera is CAS (Content address storage) based solution and work on location independent approach which means it cannot be explorer using UNC path.

    In my experience Centera cannot become mount point on EV server. Monitoring space utilitization can only be done EMC utilities such as CenteraCLI or CenteraViewer.

    Saveset remain in NTFS drive (stagging area) temporarly if collection is enabled and monitoring space utilization from collection area (stagging) is not a great idea.
    Just want to sure that we are discussing Centera here NOT Cellera.

2 Replies

  • Centera is CAS (Content address storage) based solution and work on location independent approach which means it cannot be explorer using UNC path.

    In my experience Centera cannot become mount point on EV server. Monitoring space utilitization can only be done EMC utilities such as CenteraCLI or CenteraViewer.

    Saveset remain in NTFS drive (stagging area) temporarly if collection is enabled and monitoring space utilization from collection area (stagging) is not a great idea.
    Just want to sure that we are discussing Centera here NOT Cellera.

  • Correct centera. That's what I thought too but lines from support threw me off, made me think may be I am missing something Lol.

    Thanks for confirmation though. !