Forum Discussion

Glenn_Martin's avatar
10 years ago

Enterprise Vault & SQL Always On Functionality

If you follow the Ideas page, then you'll probably have noticed that the 3rd most popular idea is EV Building Blocks support to SQL 2012 Always ON Feature

We've also heard a lot from the field on this topic so wanted to collect some more specific feedback to help us decide how to approach the support of Always On with Enterprise Vault. So if this is an area that you've been looking at or have plans to adopt then please complete this short survey, it will really help our engineers as they consider how we could support Always On.

The link to take part in the survey is:

Many Thanks


6 Replies

  • this has actually become the #1 idea that has no "status"

  • Would definitely like to see BB supported by Always On...

  • The level of response to this has been low, so assume it's either not something many are interested in or perhaps the summer months mean that people are away on holidays. But would still be interested in getting some feedback to help us scope out what needs to be done.

    So please take 5 mins to share your thoughts if you have an interest in this topic.



  • thanks for creating this glenn! i'm excited to see the community's feedback.