Forum Discussion

tim_d_jordan's avatar
13 years ago

Enterprise Process Names and Functions

Can anyone point me to a list of all of the EV process names and the function that they perform












  • oh and if you right click the properties of the EXE file and go to the Version tab, you can then click "Comments" and it will tell you exactly what it does

8 Replies

  • EVConverterSandbox
    Converts emails, attachments, documents etc, anything that EV Archives as it is being turned in to a DVS or DVSSP and converts it from something like an email format, or Word Document or Excel etc in to either HTML or Text

    The HTML or Text conversion is used by the Indexing engine to add certain elements to the indexes and also is used by previews through CA/DA or Archive Explorer or Search.asp to show the message without having to open the file in Outlook

    Its the FSA Archiving task

    This should be the file screen software, i.e you want to stop people placing MP3 files on file shares, this should interrupt windows and show an error the user that you cannot store this type of file, the functionality was taken from Vertas Storage Exec

    Its the Exchange archiving task

  • oh and if you right click the properties of the EXE file and go to the Version tab, you can then click "Comments" and it will tell you exactly what it does

  • Great thanks very much that is brilliant

    Shame this is not in the main documentation



  • Tim,

    It's interesting that you say that it would be good if this is in the documentation.  Can I ask why?  I have my own ideas of why someone would want to know this information, but it would be good to hear from someone like yourself about why it's needed.

    Also consider if you flip this over the fence to say IIS...  is it documented anywhere what the process names are for IIS?

    I'm just curious ...

  • i recently had a customer ask to do firewall rules based on EV process names. i've also seen customers do AV exclusions by process name. however, i don't know how common these practices are but you asked so....

  • There is this that is pretty helpful.  It needs a bit of updating but most of the processes are there.


    List of DTrace processes and descriptions of each process responsibility.

    Article: TECH129595  |  Created: 2010-01-04  |  Updated: 2010-09-24  | 

    Article URL



  • that's a pretty good article. ill reach out to TFE and see if they can update it.

  • I work in a geographically dispersed team or about 20 people. We run a 24/7 operation. I am the contact point for EV in the organisation. I have written all of the internal documentation for the team which covers of the basics of our setup, but it is always useful to expand on this. I also have to field specific questions about what a high cpu process is actually doing.


    For a documentation suggestion I would like to see some flow charts which track an unarchived item all the way through to an archived one with all of the processes involved and what they are doing to it on it's journey, and again the same for a recall of an archived item.


    In the IIS comparison I would be asking MS the same question showing how a request is handled end to end

