Forum Discussion

JesperBerth's avatar
10 years ago

Enterprise Vault 11 no Archive Explorer Option in Desktop Policy



I am missing the Archive Explorer option in my Desktop Policy

Running EV 11


  • The Archive Explorer has been removed, it's functionality is included in the new Search feature.  You may have to change the "Preferences" in the user's client to see the "Navigation" window (replacement for Archive Explorer) on the left side of the Search window.

4 Replies

  • The Archive Explorer has been removed, it's functionality is included in the new Search feature.  You may have to change the "Preferences" in the user's client to see the "Navigation" window (replacement for Archive Explorer) on the left side of the Search window.

  • For more information about the new search feature refer to the below link

  • Great thanks

    I didnt know it replaced the archive explorer 

    This customer is a new install, but my own upgraded stil have the option for Archive Explorer and the button is visible in Outlook..

  • In case of an upgrade scenario you will still have access to the legacy search applications like

    Archive Explorer, Search.asp and Browser search untill you upgrade the search. Once the

    search is upgraded all the users from the domain will be provisioned for the new search application.