Forum Discussion

Douglas_Gaigher's avatar
10 years ago

Enterprise Vault 11 Search API on Windows Server 2012


I'm receiving the error "Unable to contact the search API" on Enterprise Vault 11 servers running on Windows Server 2012.

I applied the recommended steps from and apparently fixes it, but every day the problem occurs again.

Anybody has other suggestion for this?

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I oppened a case with Microsoft and Symantec and not found any issues with Windows or Enterprise Vault, but we found that for some reason the McAfee Antivirus 8.8 update 4 was causing the issue. We unstalled the antivirus and the problem never occurried again.

    According to Symantec this version of McAfee Antivirus is not currently supported by Enterprise Vault 11. The recomendation was downgrade the antivirus version to 8.8 update 3 or unstall it.

    Thanks for the help.

3 Replies

  • can you post some logs or dtraces as a starting point? also, do you have any of the EV 11 CUs installed?

  • Hello Douglas, 

    As from my experience this is due to the net.tcp listener adapter crashing.

    You are saying that this is happening everyday, so further troubleshooting should be performed; I advise you to open a new case with Symantec support and analyze the net.tcp failure, any crashes before that and any unexpected EV Indexing behaviour.

    If net.tcp crashes regurarly then maybe with Debug Diag you can collect a dump and ask Microsoft assistance in its analysis.

    The .NET patches are also important for a complete underdstanding of the issue.



  • Hi,

    I oppened a case with Microsoft and Symantec and not found any issues with Windows or Enterprise Vault, but we found that for some reason the McAfee Antivirus 8.8 update 4 was causing the issue. We unstalled the antivirus and the problem never occurried again.

    According to Symantec this version of McAfee Antivirus is not currently supported by Enterprise Vault 11. The recomendation was downgrade the antivirus version to 8.8 update 3 or unstall it.

    Thanks for the help.