Forum Discussion

Elio_C's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Enterprise Vault 9 to 10 Upgrade and Test Environment/Lab Licences


Just finalising plans to update from EV9 to EV10, is there anything I need to do regarding licencing? I have serial numbers (Mxxx...) for EV10 and 11 but unsure if my EV9 slf files from 2011 will allow me to upgrade?

Also I'm building up a new test environment/lab (so I don't have to ask questions like this) and again should I just use my enterprise slf files or request an evaluation licence?

Simple questions (hopefully), just don't want to impact any of my live environments.


  • Your old license will work just fine, at least temporarily until you resolve your licensing situation
  • Your old license will work just fine, at least temporarily until you resolve your licensing situation
  • Thanks JW3

    So my existing SLF file will allow me to upgrade from 9 to 10?

    What do you mean by until I resolve my licencing situation? I didn't realise I had a licencing situation. Do I need to get updated SLF files for EV10/11?


    Also, any thoughts on my LAB environment? I assume I could use the licence file from my PROD environment, is there any way this could impact PROD?


  • Yes, your existing license will work.  You can get a new license from the licensing portal if you need one for EV11.


  • As for the lab environment, i think thats a question you should ask symantec sales regarding compliance and licensing and such

  • symantec can issue temporary licenses for testing, POC, demos, etc. they're typically good for 45-60 days.

    did you need anything else here?