Forum Discussion

ArchiveGuy2015's avatar
9 years ago

Enterprise Vault DR solution


I have been given a task to form a DR scenario for Enterprise Vault (EV). I don't want to build full blown DR from scratch but merely EV SQL recovery process and verify by EV.  For example:

- Redirect recovery for EV SQL database (index, directory, or fingerprint)

- Use MS SQL management to verify sql recovery

- Use EV to confirm if all sql databases are OK and can be accessed.

I have read the white paper DR for EV but that explains from buiding new EV server and SQL server.  Is there a smaller scale of this DR for enterprise vault?

Thank you

  • Restore db's to SQL server, Open Evault admin and point to new SQL server.  This is even easier if you use a C:name alias for the SQL server, it that case you could just restore the SQL dbs to any server and point DNS to the new server and restart EV.

5 Replies

  • Restore db's to SQL server, Open Evault admin and point to new SQL server.  This is even easier if you use a C:name alias for the SQL server, it that case you could just restore the SQL dbs to any server and point DNS to the new server and restart EV.

  • thanks for the reply Gents.  Sorry I just looked at the comments now.  

    So if i just restore EV SQL database to another server with same name, then points EV server to new server (with same name), then verify connectivity and function. Once the testing completed, then shutdown new EV sql and bring up old EV SQL, then reconnect EV to original EV sql.

    Doesn't that sound do able then?

    thank you

  • Yes, that sounds about right.  Do be sure to put EV in backup mode so nothing is archived.