Forum Discussion

dsmith1954's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Enterprise Vault Expiry and Retention Categories

I just assumed responsibility for our EV installation. I haven't been formally trained, but they are trying to get that approved. In the meantime, our legal dept wants to turn on deletion of files from the Vault for certain targets. Documentation seems to be pretty clear about Retention Categories and Expiry being turned on as the way to accomplish that. However, when I run a report to see what would be deleted, there are way too many emails being reported for deletion.

I noticed there are some Retention policies that were created automatically on installation, and I have no way to delete or adjust settings on them. Could they be the cause for the extra emails that would be deleted if I turned on the policy?

All targets have a retention category with retention period of forever, with the exception of one - my individual account. I don't have thousands of emails, but the Storage Expiry report shows thousands of emails would be deleted.

Am I missing something? How do I delete, disable, or change settings on managed retention categories?

  • According to Symantec...

    1. An email is categorized when it goes into the vault, and cannot be easily changed. Retention Categories put a tag on the email and stays that way unless you purchase some kind of third-party software to change tags. Sounds very expensive to me...
    2. Changing Retention Categories is a point-forward solution, so any group that has to change retention policies and has to be put into a different retention category will have multiple retention categories on their email. Makes me wonder how litigation holds are actually handled.
    3. Exchange managed folders (Vault Managed Retention Categories) can only be changed in Exchange. However, see #1 above. Once tagged/categorized, it cannot be easily changed.

    If expiry were to be implemented in our current configuration, we'd really clean up the vault, but litigation holds would be a problem. Unless we purchase some third-party software, it looks like we're stuck or at least we're going to have a rough time getting it straightened out.

6 Replies

  • Do you use exchange managed folders by any chance?

    Also what version of EV are you using?

  • To enable detetion you need to enable deletion at the site properties . Once you enabe that then you can delete the emails from archvie explorer . IF you are unable to delete you may refer the settings from the following document

  • I think the question he was asking was that if every single retention is set to Forever, why is it reporting a ton of items to expire

  • That is the question. Why is it reporting thousands of emails to delete if I only have one mailbox in a retention category set to delete? I don't want to delete any emails for those that have not been notified that their emails are about to be deleted, or for any that may be on legal hold.

    We have v9 installed. I believe we do have Exchange managed folders, and we are in the process of upgrading to Exchange 2010.

  • I have one mailbox with a retention category set to delete after a period of time. The remainder are set to never delete. I have "managed" retention categories I can't delete or edit that I believe are taking precedence over my other retention categories. After talking with our Exchange admins, these "managed" retention categories are the same as what is set in Exchange.

    We will complete our migration to Exchange 2010 in a couple of weeks. After that, we'll upgrade our Vault to v10.

    A few questions:

    1. Do Exchange ("managed" retention categories) take precedence over Vault retention categories?
    2. If the Exchange retention policies are deleted, will they delete from Vault?
    3. Should we wait for the upgrade to v10 to implement retention categories with expiry/deletion?

    Below is the report I get when I do a "run now" in report mode. The retention categories mentioned in the report are the "managed" retention categories. The one retention category that I have applied to the one mailbox for testing isn't even listed.

    Storage Expiry Report (Report Mode)


    Vault Store Name: Vault Store 1

    Vault Store Id: 18A4EB226E9A4204F83ED9D7BF5E747731210000Evault


    Number of vaults processed: 1558

    Number of vaults enabled for expiry: 1558

    Total number of expired items: 497247


    Items marked with sent\received date based retention categories have been deleted:

    Inbox-90Day (90 days) : 445149 items.

    MBX-2Year (730 days) : 49208 items.

    Sent-90Day (90 days) : 2890 items.


    Items marked with archived date based retention categories have been deleted:



    Start Time: 5/11/2012 8:50 AM

    End Time: 5/11/2012 8:53 AM

  • According to Symantec...

    1. An email is categorized when it goes into the vault, and cannot be easily changed. Retention Categories put a tag on the email and stays that way unless you purchase some kind of third-party software to change tags. Sounds very expensive to me...
    2. Changing Retention Categories is a point-forward solution, so any group that has to change retention policies and has to be put into a different retention category will have multiple retention categories on their email. Makes me wonder how litigation holds are actually handled.
    3. Exchange managed folders (Vault Managed Retention Categories) can only be changed in Exchange. However, see #1 above. Once tagged/categorized, it cannot be easily changed.

    If expiry were to be implemented in our current configuration, we'd really clean up the vault, but litigation holds would be a problem. Unless we purchase some third-party software, it looks like we're stuck or at least we're going to have a rough time getting it straightened out.