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ggeorgi's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Enterprise Vault FSA restore!!!!



I have EV8 SP4. I want to restore only the placeholders shortcuts that exist under a folder tree. Is this possible? I am sure that many of the archived files were restored and our policy is not to delete the files from the vault store, when restored. I am also sure that many of the restored files were changed. If I restore all the files, it will definetely overwrite some files that were restored and changed. From what I saw, the FSAUtility have option to restore all files that are in the vault store or certain file types.


Any ideas?

  • Actually i know exactly who in support wrote that Powershell script in support, so i would definitely open up a case and get a copy of it and they will help you through what you need to do

9 Replies


    How to use the FSAUtility -t option


    The FSAUtility can be used to do a mass restore back to a file server using the -t switch after the command. This is useful when you need to restore a complete sub-directory or a particular file type as been archived that does not need to be archived. The following is some examples of the different uses of the fsautility -t command.

    The following command would restore the Word and Excel files in the folder \\myserver\users
    FSAUtility -t -s \\myserver\users -e *.doc,*.xls
    To perform the same command and also create a log file that lists both sucessful and failed operation the -l swicth would be used at the end.
    FSAUtility -t -s \\myserver\users -e *.doc,*.xls -l 0
    The following command would restore all the files from \\myserver\users and restore them to \\newserver\users
    FSAUtility –t –s \\myserver\users -d \\newserver\users

    /apps/media/inquira/resources /resources

    Article URL

  • Thanks for the quick response. I have already tried this  "Fsautility -t -s "UNC Path", but the result is that all files - archived or restored - show this:


    Restore files



    Time:15/10/2010 5:39:53 μμ

    Item Status
    .\pdf\ace_implementation_guide.pdf File exists
    .\pdf\introduction to vmware virtual desktop manager.pdf

    File exists

    .\pdf\vsp_40_availability.pdf File exists

    If I use the -f (force), it will restore all files, shortcuts or restored. As I said before, various files were restored and changed and a force restore will mean that it will be overwritten.

    Any additional help woud be great.


    Thank you in advance.

  • Actually i know exactly who in support wrote that Powershell script in support, so i would definitely open up a case and get a copy of it and they will help you through what you need to do

  • We had a similar problem, and spotted the potiental for data loss with fsautility


    Read up a fair bit on it, and people suggested using virus scanners to scan a share, and in doing so, the scanner would resolve all current placeholders. I didnt like the sound of this personally (we already had a Symantec anti-virus configured to play nice with EV, so didnt want to remove that, install another, reconfig etc etc)


    What I did in the end was put together a pretty simple PowerShell command, that recursively searches through a provided path, and them attempts to read the first line from any archived files it finds - and in doing so recalls it.


    Heres the basis of it:

    ls <path> -rec | where{$_.attributes -match "Offline"} | gc -totalcount 1 > $null


    Can go through the in's and out's of it, but basically, it loops through the entire folder structure (much like dir /s), finds any files with the archive bit set, and then attempts to read the first line (redirecting the output to null, as we're not really interested in it!)

    Possibly goes without saying, but disable the share for archiving, and you'll need the reg change 'ByPassRecallLimitsForAdmins'


    Another pair of commands along the lines of the above:

    ls <path> -rec | where{$_.attributes -match "Offline"} | measure-object

    Returns the number of placeholders in a path. And:

    ls <path> -rec | where{$_.attributes -match "Offline"} | select -first 100 | gc -totalcount 1 > $null

    Does a bit more of a controlled recall, by just doing the first 100 placeholders it finds.


    Can expand on anything, or may delete post if its a complete red herring - let me know


  • Thanks my friend but I feel very insecure doing all these tricks.  I would prefer to archive everything under the particular folder tree and then restore everything back, using of course EV. But doing this would mean that the unavailiability period would be much much longer.  The customer, told me that this was a file server but, hahahaha, after a while revealed to me that many databases were included and were already archived. Unfortunately, it includes custom databases using their development tools. This means that trying to read those files would not restore them. Believe I tried it with no luck. So trying this, is my last option. Anyway, thank you for your time to give me new options.