Forum Discussion

Happyal's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Enterprise Vault items in Outlook show waiting icon



I have installed Enterprise Vault 11 and I have started to archive a couple of test email boxes. Inside the vault, I can search the archives, so they have been archiving correctly, but on Outlook 2010 the icon is showing the timer, rather than the fully achieve item.


Also, when you open up an item, there is a bar at the top of the screen that says, "Do not copy, move, or delete this item. Either Enterprise Vault is archiving the item, or it has been archived and is awaiting backup."


Can anyone please help?

5 Replies

  • Hi,

    This is 'basic' :-)

    What you need to do is the following:

    Set backup mode on the Vaultstore.

    Backup the data (make sure to clear the archive bit).

    Clear backp mode on the Vaultstore.

    Verify in taskmanger the storagefilewatch.exe is performing 'stuff'.

    When finished, your icons should be converted to 'archived'. Also see this document and the Administration guide, look for 'backup'.

    Good luck!


  • This is product of the setting for "safety copies"  If you have it set to remove safety copies after backup, then you must either complete the backup or use a trigger file to finish the archiving process of replacing the pending shortcut with a shortcut.  Or, you can set the safety copy to remove after archiving then the process will automatically replace the pending shortcut with the shortcut immediately after EV verfiies that the item has been copied to the archive.  This process happens generally in minutes after the item is archived. 

  • Thank you both for your help. I have tried backup before, I made sure it was fully backup but the icon on the Outlook client is still pending.


    I have set the safety copies to no, remove immediately after archiving. I reset the services and re ran the archiving task. The Outlook client is still showing the pending icon.


    I checked the report for the archiving task, and the report says Items archiving is 0, and pending item is 19+, but on the VAC, if I search the archiving, there are items inside these archives.


    I’m at a little bit of a loss to figure out what is going on.

  • It's now working perfectly, thank you all for your help.

  • Before making a backup set backupmode.

    After a succesfull backup, clear backup mode.

    That starts the icon conversion. Can take a little while.

    Can you mark one of the entries as a 'solution' please?

    This will prevent others from trying to help, and assist others who have similar questions in finding answers.
