Forum Discussion

mjscreen1's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Enterprise Vault SQL Database Role Membership...

Looking for some feedback as to what the Database role membership should be on a NEW installation of Enterprise Vault for Excahnge V9
- From within SQL 2005 for

against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database
against the Storage group databases

The reason for asking is that I think someone may have changed our set up at some point

and I wish to compare

thank you

5 Replies

  • Hi Wayne - thanks - great screen shot

    thank you -  this definitely different to what we have here.

    Can you confirm whether the db_Owner and Public are the only ticked
    roles for the other enterprise vault related databases ?


    thank you


  • thats correct you can see in teh sc that is all the EV related DBs plus two of my own for PST FlightDeck

  • I could not help but comment that UBERNINJA is one of the better lab domains I have seen yes

  • *giggle* thanks Marvin :o first comment I have ever got from someone on my creativity :p Normaly no one picks up on my names :p