Forum Discussion

SYMAJ's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

EV - removing 'stale' FSA Volumes & Servers

I have an EV config currently at 9.0.4, which I will shortly be upgrading to 10.0.4 - and prior to the upgrade I am cleaning up some redundant entries in terms of FSA entries.

I have two fileservers defined, each with a single volume.  These are long gone at this point (from the environment) and were just used some years ago for testing.

I cannot delete either the volumes or the file servers as they no longer exist, and an error is returned as follows when I try to delete the volumes:

enterprise vault failed to delete archiving volume " from the directory

I see a post that says an alternative to having the file servers available for this task is to 'contact symantec to remove DB entires in SQL'.  Do we know what needs removing ?  The only entries I see are in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database - in the dbo.fileserverentry and dbo.fileservervolumeentry tables.  Asuming a backup first of course, is it safe to edit out these entries from the tables ?  There is also an entry in the dbo.filesystemarchivingtask table but once the volumes and file servers are removed I should be able to remove that from the VAC.

Anyone done this ?


  • Personally, I wouldn't go into SQL directly to do this without the support and assistance of Symantec. 


    You're also right about the full backups first.

9 Replies

  • Personally, I wouldn't go into SQL directly to do this without the support and assistance of Symantec. 


    You're also right about the full backups first.

  • SymaJ,

    THanks for sharing the script with us all here, however when I execute that command in my SQL Studio against my EVVaultStore1 database, it returned an error:


    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Invalid object name 'fileserverfolderentry'.


  • John, you execute all of this against the EVConfiguration database, not the Vault Store DBs. Rob, I am all done now. AJ
  • Thanks for the reply man,

    • fileserverfolderentry
    • fileservervolumearchiveentry
    • fileservervolumeentry
    • fileserverentry

    where can I get that table name from ?

  • The tables are all listed under the tables tab of the EVConfiguration database (I.e. dbo.fileserverentry). If you are not familiar with SQL be very careful here. AJ.
  • I confirmed that the scripts do work in my lab to remove the entries but there are a few notes here. 

    1 - The references are in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database and not the EVConfiguration database.

    2 - The SQL syntax for the Delete queries is only if you want to purge every single record in those tables. Based on the original poster, it's only stale records that need to be removed. I'd suggest running these instead:

    Select * from fileservervolumeentry where VolumeName = 'YourStaleVolumeName'

    When you go to delete the record row, do:

    Delete from fileservervolumeentry where VolumeName = 'YourStaleVolumeName'

    If you run "delete *....", you'll delete the entire table.

    As Rob mentioned, you probably should just open a support ticket with Symantec to have them assist you with the removal of the table entries.



  • Yes, that'd be a good Idea Mr. Kimler.

    I'm about to do the same by contacting the Enterprise Support Service to do it from the Webex session.