Forum Discussion

GulzarShaikhAUS's avatar
12 years ago

EV and Blackberry integration


My customer is asking if we can configure EV with BB integration so that the users can perform search of the archived items.

Is it possible

  • The problem is, for there to be functionality without publishing any URL's from the EV side of things, it would need to be a core change to the Blackberry OS, so currently there is no way to actually perform any EV actions out of the box with EV and BB

    There is mobile search like Tony message, but that requires a URL being published
    There is also the CommonDesk products that can support Blackberry, Android and iOS devices but also requires an additional site to be published unfortunately.

3 Replies

  • So without buying a third party app you can look at Mobile Search.

    About Mobile Search

    Article:HOWTO57306  |  Created: 2011-08-01  |  Updated: 2012-09-23  |  Article URL

    Also check this:

  • Hi Tony,

    They dont want to publish the url outside? Just becasue of BES wil they get any benifit?


  • The problem is, for there to be functionality without publishing any URL's from the EV side of things, it would need to be a core change to the Blackberry OS, so currently there is no way to actually perform any EV actions out of the box with EV and BB

    There is mobile search like Tony message, but that requires a URL being published
    There is also the CommonDesk products that can support Blackberry, Android and iOS devices but also requires an additional site to be published unfortunately.