Forum Discussion

KeirL's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

EV Collect and migrate to Azure


Is there an option to use MS Azure as a tertiary storage location for EV collections?

many thanks

  • Symantec will support EV hosted in Azure as long as it ticks all the boxes in the Compatibility Chart*



    *the big caveat would be - Symantec will not accept support calls based on performance unless the issue can be reproduced removing the cloud platform

  • We actually had a call with Symantec on this topic and it is supported. There are some caveats but it was the same when VMware was new technology too. Eventually I expect it to be like second nature.

9 Replies

  • Its not supported currently .

    Check the Secondary storage software section in the compatibility guide

  • Many thanks Rahul

    Is it ok to have the EV application hosted on premise and the vault store partitions as a network share from a server hosted in the Azure cloud?


  • could you put the whole thing in azure? why are you trying to dice it up?

  • You would run in too many issue w.r.t to connectivity and performance. I have never tried or seen such configuration. Instead install EV on the Azure cloud.

  • Hi Andrew -

    we could but the whole thing into Azure. There is a corporate directive to use Azure for archive data (and pretty much everything else) to reduce the on prem storage footprint. Ideally we would want the application on-prem and just the data in the cloud but if the best way to achieve this is to move the entire application into Azure then that would probably be ok.

    I was uncertain if Symanetc would consider this a supportable solution in their eyes.


  •  The configuration might work , but Symantec would have not certified it and performed any testing with such configuration .

  • Symantec will support EV hosted in Azure as long as it ticks all the boxes in the Compatibility Chart*



    *the big caveat would be - Symantec will not accept support calls based on performance unless the issue can be reproduced removing the cloud platform

  • We actually had a call with Symantec on this topic and it is supported. There are some caveats but it was the same when VMware was new technology too. Eventually I expect it to be like second nature.

  • Many thanks for the info

    Can I just confirm that this will be a solution whereby EV Server is moved into Azure (along with the EV SQL server and a storage location for configured for the archives, but the user data (this is for file archiving rather than email archiving) remains on premise and so when it hits the archiving criteria it is archived from on-premise into Azure?

    I just want to be certain that the production data doesn't need to be in the cloud too......

    kind regards