Forum Discussion

goatboy's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

EV journal archiving rates by Exchange mailbox or archive

Hi All

I need to get journal archiving rates between X and Y dates, by Exchange mailbox, or archive, or journal tasks.

I found a number of SQL queries queries relating to this, but not quit one that works. This is close:

but only works for mailbox archiving tasks, not journaling tasks.

Does anyone have any sample queries?



  • Ok, this will give you a rate by hour for last 7days

    SELECT ex.MbxDisplayName, "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),14), count(*) as 'Number of Items', sum (Convert(bigint,itemsize))/1024 as 'Size'
    FROM Saveset s
    Join Archivepoint a on a.ArchivePointIdentity =s.ArchivePointIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.RetentionCategoryEntry rc on rc.RetentionCategoryIdentity = s.RetentionCategoryIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry ex on ex.DefaultVaultID = a.ArchivePointID
    WHERE ArchivedDate  > dateadd("dd", -7, getdate ())
    GROUP BY ArchivePointID,s.ArchivePointIdentity, left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),14), ex.MbxDisplayName
    ORDER BY "Archived Date" DESC

    This will give you a daily archive rate for last 30 days

    SELECT ex.MbxDisplayName, "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),10), count(*) as 'Number of Items', sum (Convert(bigint,itemsize))/1024 as 'Size'
    FROM Saveset s
    Join Archivepoint a on a.ArchivePointIdentity =s.ArchivePointIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.RetentionCategoryEntry rc on rc.RetentionCategoryIdentity = s.RetentionCategoryIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry ex on ex.DefaultVaultID = a.ArchivePointID
    WHERE ArchivedDate  > dateadd("dd", -30, getdate ())
    GROUP BY ArchivePointID,s.ArchivePointIdentity, left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),10), ex.MbxDisplayName
    ORDER BY "Archived Date" DESC

    You can change the WHERE clause and use a date range in either of these.

8 Replies

  • the counts are essentially all based on items archived per vault store. we typically design journaling to go to a seperate vault store from mailbox archiving (especially when we dedicate servers to journaling) so the common archive rate scripts like the ones here: should get you what you need.

  • That link does not work. Does anyone else have example queries? I need something more granular than just vault store as I have journaling and mailbox archiving going into a single vault store. Thanks.

  • ideally rate between X and Y date/time. Otherwise hourly rate is probably best.


  • Ok, this will give you a rate by hour for last 7days

    SELECT ex.MbxDisplayName, "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),14), count(*) as 'Number of Items', sum (Convert(bigint,itemsize))/1024 as 'Size'
    FROM Saveset s
    Join Archivepoint a on a.ArchivePointIdentity =s.ArchivePointIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.RetentionCategoryEntry rc on rc.RetentionCategoryIdentity = s.RetentionCategoryIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry ex on ex.DefaultVaultID = a.ArchivePointID
    WHERE ArchivedDate  > dateadd("dd", -7, getdate ())
    GROUP BY ArchivePointID,s.ArchivePointIdentity, left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),14), ex.MbxDisplayName
    ORDER BY "Archived Date" DESC

    This will give you a daily archive rate for last 30 days

    SELECT ex.MbxDisplayName, "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),10), count(*) as 'Number of Items', sum (Convert(bigint,itemsize))/1024 as 'Size'
    FROM Saveset s
    Join Archivepoint a on a.ArchivePointIdentity =s.ArchivePointIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.RetentionCategoryEntry rc on rc.RetentionCategoryIdentity = s.RetentionCategoryIdentity
    Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry ex on ex.DefaultVaultID = a.ArchivePointID
    WHERE ArchivedDate  > dateadd("dd", -30, getdate ())
    GROUP BY ArchivePointID,s.ArchivePointIdentity, left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),10), ex.MbxDisplayName
    ORDER BY "Archived Date" DESC

    You can change the WHERE clause and use a date range in either of these.

  • Oh, and you should also be able to add MbxDisplayName to the WHERE clause to only see the journal archive if that is all you want.