Forum Discussion

Knut_Rathjen's avatar
12 years ago

Archiving Exchange Journal Mailbox

Before we recently upgraded from 7.5 to 10, we were journaling all our e-mails. We had a mailbox in our Exchange 2003 that were the journal mailbox for alle our Mailbox Stores. We did not utilize EV's Journal feature (no license for that) but simply archived all items in the designated journal mailbox.

Now after a while I discovered that this is no longer working in EV 10. When the Provisioning service runs, it detects that the mailbox is a journal mailbox and disables it for archiving. I have been able to manually archive it by changing the ExchangeMbxType from 2 to 1 in the database and then doing an archive job, but each time the provisioning service runs it changes back to ExchangeMbxType=2.

Is Symantec trying to force me into buying an EV Journaling license or is there some workaround to stop the Provisioning service to change ExchangeMbxType for an Exchange Journal Mailbox at each run. I do not need Journal Filters or any other extra features, just a copy of all e-mails in my journal mailbox to my EV archive.


  • well fwiw BCC Journaling is only available for Exchange 2003... Exchange 2007 and 2010 are Envelope Journaling only....

    But yeah this is a strange kind of gray area here so don't really want to go in to any details or workarounds other than to say its most likely by design for the very fact that people are working around not paying out for the correct licensing

6 Replies

  • I can see why it might have changed - though I didn't personally know that it had.


    Think of it this way.


    Previously where you were archiving those journal mails, what are you hoping to achieve?  For regulation purposes, they aren't much use (since those messages won't contain BCC information, nor have distribution lists expanded).


    Or were you using this particular 'archive' for something else?

  • If you only archive the journal mailbox, why don't you just stop the provisioning task ?

  • Thanks for your imput,

    @Rob, We are using bcc journaling, so that's not a problem. The archive is not specifically for regulation purpose but have helped us several times in troubleshooting or when asked to find/recover a particular e-mail by management

    @ZeRoC00l, We are also archiving users mailboxes but not until after 90 days. So I can't stop the provisioning task.


  • well fwiw BCC Journaling is only available for Exchange 2003... Exchange 2007 and 2010 are Envelope Journaling only....

    But yeah this is a strange kind of gray area here so don't really want to go in to any details or workarounds other than to say its most likely by design for the very fact that people are working around not paying out for the correct licensing

  • Well I just got an offer for the E-Dicovery Module License which is what they say I need to do Journaling

    As I have 400 active user I will have to pay nearly $33000 and then a yearly fee of $6000. All this for archiving 1 journal mailbox. Can this be true?


  • well i dont think its the per journal mailbox that causes that price, its per active mail recipients are in there, so you could make it cheaper by only journaling certain users and decrease the amount