EV server hardware change with no CName
Client has EV server installed with no CName and needs to move server to new hardware.
ComputerName = EVserver.domain.com
ComputerNameAlternate = EVserver
Trying to find out options:
Server move technote at https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.000081331 gives 2 options:
- use same name on new hardware. This is straight forward.
- use changed name on new hardware. This asks you to point the CName to the new server. Since there is no CName, would this work? In other words if we change:
ComputerName = NewServer.domain.com and
ComputerNameAlternate = NewServer and
run EVConfig as new server, would that work?
throughout EV migrations, restores etc. the following rule must be followed:
- ComputerNameAlternate can be changed
- ComputerName must be kept the same
So on DNS level, I would delete/recreate record for "EVserver" (as a C name), pointing to A record for a new HW hostname.
Then during migration, follow steps with ComputerEntry table update (see EV documentations)