Forum Discussion

Sarah_Seftel1's avatar
11 years ago

ev with 13360 & 6796 after ev & sql change domain

Hi all, 

We change the domain membership of EV & SQL server according to symantec tn.

all working fine, items open correctly, manual archive and restore work fine and no special issues were encountered.


However, during schedule archive we get a lot of errors 13306 & 6796:

13360 storage archive:
An error was detected while accessing the Vault Database 'EVEmail' (Internal reference: .\ADODataAccess.cpp (CADODataAccess::ExecuteSQLCommand) [lines {1392,1394,1409,1427}] built Oct  6 11:22:46 2010): 


dbo.uspcu_Vault Error: VaultId = "15A0DFF79AA97F4488EB3DCA3DFDEDAAF1110000evsiteasia" does not exist.


6796 storage archive:
A COM exception has been raised. 
Internal reference 
.\VaultStoreDB.cpp (CVaultStoreDB::AddSaveset) [lines {...,2909,2910,2911,2912,2913,2914,2915,2916,2917,2918,2919,2927}] built Oct  6 11:28:33 2010 
An exception is raised when a process encounters an unexpected fault. 


EV version 8.0.5

any ideas?



  • Hi Sarah,



    The Root Cause has been identified and is the result of the DeleteEmptyFolders process - which was intended to remove folders which do not contain any archived items anymore. This process only deletes folder references in the VaultStore databases, leaving orphaned entries in the Directory Database.

    The errors are caused when a new item from a previously deleted folder, which was deleted using the DeleteEmptyFolders process,  is archived. Enterprise Vault finds a folder reference in the Directory Database and is expecting to find an associated folder in the VaultStore. Due to this missing reference, the process errors.


    EV8.0SP4 and higher
    Modify the uspi_Saveset stored procedure in each Vault Store database as follows:

    1. Stop all Enterprise Vault services on all Enterprise Vault servers.

    2. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

    3. Backup all Enterprise Vault databases

    4a. Expand the vault store database name then expand Programmability.

    4b. Expand Stored Procedures.

    4c. Right-click dbo.uspi_Saveset and select Modify.

    4d. Find the line marked by the tag "<EDIT>" and change the input variable @CanCreateNewVault to 1.

    Note: For a quick search hit Ctrl + f to bring up the Find dialogue and enter "EDIT". 

    4e. Click the Execute button or press F5 to commit the change.
    Note: Repeat these steps for each Vault Store database.
    5. Start all Enterprise Vault services on all Enterprise Vault servers.
    6. Perform an archiving run against all mailboxes on all Enterprise Vault servers.
    7. Examine each Enterprise Vault event log to verify the errors above are no longer logged.

    Also refer another Technote : 


6 Replies

  • Hi Sarah,



    The Root Cause has been identified and is the result of the DeleteEmptyFolders process - which was intended to remove folders which do not contain any archived items anymore. This process only deletes folder references in the VaultStore databases, leaving orphaned entries in the Directory Database.

    The errors are caused when a new item from a previously deleted folder, which was deleted using the DeleteEmptyFolders process,  is archived. Enterprise Vault finds a folder reference in the Directory Database and is expecting to find an associated folder in the VaultStore. Due to this missing reference, the process errors.


    EV8.0SP4 and higher
    Modify the uspi_Saveset stored procedure in each Vault Store database as follows:

    1. Stop all Enterprise Vault services on all Enterprise Vault servers.

    2. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

    3. Backup all Enterprise Vault databases

    4a. Expand the vault store database name then expand Programmability.

    4b. Expand Stored Procedures.

    4c. Right-click dbo.uspi_Saveset and select Modify.

    4d. Find the line marked by the tag "<EDIT>" and change the input variable @CanCreateNewVault to 1.

    Note: For a quick search hit Ctrl + f to bring up the Find dialogue and enter "EDIT". 

    4e. Click the Execute button or press F5 to commit the change.
    Note: Repeat these steps for each Vault Store database.
    5. Start all Enterprise Vault services on all Enterprise Vault servers.
    6. Perform an archiving run against all mailboxes on all Enterprise Vault servers.
    7. Examine each Enterprise Vault event log to verify the errors above are no longer logged.

    Also refer another Technote : 


  • Hi AJ,


    no dbo.uspi_Saveset found under Stored Procedures...

    the table names are a bit different, see picture attached





  • Hi Sarah,

    I tested in my lab. I was able to fin storeprocedure.

    Could you scroll bit down and you will be able to find it.