Forum Discussion

GertjanA's avatar
12 years ago

EV90 EMC clip not replicating - resolve how?

Hello all,

Using EV90SP2, with EMC Centera as storage for Journal Stores.

On 1 Journal server, there is an issue with 'items awaiting backup/replication'. This seems to be due to 1 clip being parked (viewable in the EMCCenteraViewer)

EMC support has been working on that for longer than a week now, and I thought to ask here if annyone possibly has a solution. I have found a KB article showing how to find the items that are in the clip. That works fine. EMC has been trying to replicate the clip, but until now they have failed to get it replicated, and thus disappear from the parking. Thanks to an article of JW3, I traced the StorageFileWatch on that specific JournalServer, and it does show that it is checking the replication for that specific clip.

651 09:06:09.464  [10096] (StorageFileWatch) <9528> EV:L {CCenteraItemSecuredVerifier::CheckItem} (Entry) ItemName = [5HQF71RA63EL0e40KAJ6M8EA421G417OU8F96H03C3QGJ2DGMAP5A]

That number is the clip being parked.

I believe that this clip being parked is causing SFW to stop, due to this message in the dtrace:

9371 09:06:11.570  [10096] (StorageFileWatch) <4004> EV:M CCenteraItemSecuredVerifier::CheckItem Warning: Watch file partition scan will be stopped for following EMC Centera partition as consecutive [1] clips have not been replicated.|Partition Name = [VS Journaling EV0515 Ptn01]|VaultStoreEntryId = [1BDAB7E79851DB14E9181E77F369057891210000EV001].

Does anyone know if and how replication can be forced for this clip? Should the clip be deleted? (causing dataloss?) Can the clip be 'recreated' somehow, so it replicates properly? Any other option to get it going again?

Thanks for your input.


  • Hello Mike,

    The fix is in 9SP4, a workaround using a regkey is available in 9SP3. We're on SP2, and earliest for upgrade is end of august. But, thanks for checking.

10 Replies

  • hmm, maybe there is an EV registry key that increase that 'number of consecutive' ... since 1 seems a bit of a low number?! You'd almost want it o be say 5 consecutive clips not replicated to cause SFW to stop..

  • There are regkeys in 9.0.3+ and 10.0.1+ that can facilitate this specific type of scenario to get you past it. There is also another mechanism within 9.0.2 that can bypass this, however either way you will need to log a support case for assistance in this regard.

  • Hello Rob,

    Not yet. I've been send the registrykey, but as I am on 9SP2, that most likely does not work. I am awaiting the workaround for 9SP2. I am going to update the case any sec now.

    Will post when update is available.

  • Still nmo workaround for EV90SP2, but case is being escalated.

  • Hi,


    I seem to recall that there was a fix for this put into one of the Enterprise Vault service packs.  I did a quick search and could not find it mentioned but hopefully technical support will.





  • Hello Mike,

    The fix is in 9SP4, a workaround using a regkey is available in 9SP3. We're on SP2, and earliest for upgrade is end of august. But, thanks for checking.

  • Hi Ghost,

    Can you check case-id 04358555, and see if you can assist in getting me the workaround for 9SP2 please?


  • Unfortunately, there is no workaround or hotfix for EV90SP2 available. The advice is to upgrade to EV90SP4 (or SP5 if available at that time). We'll probably need to plan this in august, and hope that the SQL is ok to upgrade....