Forum Discussion

Nicola_Rositani's avatar
16 years ago

Event ID 3310

Hi all, In my Enteprise Vault Server I can see sometime this error event log: Event ID: 3310 Category: Archive Task There was a problem accessing a network service or resource. The dispens...
  • Wayne_Humphrey's avatar
    15 years ago

    Try setting the Closest GC, this is part of my standard "Defaults.reg"

    THE SID needs to be that of the VSA, and needs to be on each Enterprise Vault Server wehere the Agent is on.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1242909238-215958010-794563710-203157\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider]
    "Closest GC"=dword:00000001
