Forum Discussion

gblack's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

Expiry on a Centera - Governance Edition

We currently have EV 7.5 SP2 (upgraded since KVS, and EV 6.0 SP3) archiving to a Centera (Goverance Edition) and a replica at our DR location.  Up to this point we have wanted to keep everything fore...
  • JesusWept3's avatar
    15 years ago
    for governance mode it really depends on the retention stamped on the clips themselves and how you set EV to stamp it

    most configurations will stamp a time to live on the clip descriptor file, and i think forever is actually something more like 1000 years as opposed to truly forever
    but what will happen is if this is the case, you will change the retention on EV and then it will go through, EV will attempt to expire it, and then the centera will block the deletion causing an error to be thrown in the event logs.

    Best practice is really to let EV use the retention categories used on the centera and used name retentions on the centera, then like EV you can just edit the centeras retention and then anything with that retention will be deleted as long as it meets the criteria.

    One thing to remember though is to expire based off of Archive Date and NOT Modified/Sent date as centera will only use archive date to base its expiry on.

    And what EV will do when items expire is it will delete the entry out of the saveset table first, it will then push that item to the journal delete for a brief period (like a few minutes), it will then delete from the replica, then the primary centera, and amidst that an index deletion operation will happen at the same time, once the index, replica and primary copies have been deleted then the item will be deleted from the journal delete table

    it is then up to the archive tasks to delete any orphaned shortcuts