Forum Discussion

sadek's avatar
Level 2
7 years ago

Export to mailbox failed


We try since many days to export archive ( 13 years emails and documnets) , as the mount of data is huge , we tried to export by year.

The problem that for some of them, the export is aborted after exporting a first quantity. the error messages do not give the source of it.

the file below :

Export Archive Report File
Start date & time: 07/12/2017 11:33:46

Export Settings:
=> The source archive and destination mailbox are listed below.
=> Age filter start date & time: 01/01/2013 00:01:00
=> Age filter end date & time: 31/12/2013 23:59:59
=> Retention Category filtering of archived items is off
=> Folder filtering of archived items is off

Report file: D:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\Export_20171207113344.txt

Source Archive for export:

Destination mailbox:

Time log:

Time: 11:34:09
Export of archive username Failed
Reason: Operation aborted

End time: 11:34:09

Results Summary:

Username : Failed
Operation aborted
Storage server: XXXXXXXSerur
Exported = 0; Failed = 1; Remaining = 3759 (99%)

Number archives processed: 0
Number archives being processed: 0
Number archives part processed: 0
Number archives not processed: 0
Number archives failed: 1

{end of report}




3 Replies

  • What could help if you can provide us with relevant Event IDs seen in the logs when exports are failing

    • sadek's avatar
      Level 2

      Tried again to export to mailbox and it's failed


      Export Archive Report


      Export status: Incomplete


      Processing aborted due to an unrecoverable error.


      Job Id: Exp2_20171207100938

      Vault Name: xxxxxxxxxx

      Vault Id: 13294E76C9CE0754B9B3614BD92E526C31110000VAULT


      Target Exchange Server\Mailbox: SXMBPAR03\Evault_Export


      Number of items restored: 9072

      Number of items unable to be restored: 1


      Age range filter: 01/janv./2013 00:01 - 31/déc./2013 23:59

      Retention category filter: <None>


      Elapsed Export Time: 00:40:32 (hours:minutes:seconds)


      For more information, see Help and Support Center at

      Evetntd : 6768

      Task catagory : Migrator Server


      is there any others places to check ?

      is there any way to ignor the error and continue exporting ?


      many thx for your help




  • Hi,

    If your version is 12, log a support case then.

    I have a customer with HUGE amount of data to export was facing the same issue. You can try to export smaller size and see how it goes. Something related to SQL...

