Forum Discussion

Leo_Wan's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Failed to Export Archive to PST


When I tried to export an archive to PST, I experienced an "Operation Abort" error as below. Export of other mailbox can be done successfully.



Export Archive Report File
Start date & time: 11/24/2011    10:17:29 AM

Export Settings:
=> The archives listed below will be exported to one or more PST files.
=> Age filtering of archived items is off
=> Retention Category filtering of archived items is off
=> Folder filtering of archived items is off
=> New PST files and configuration files will be created in location 'E:\ExportedPST'
=> PST file size is not limited
=> The PST folder hierarchy will be constructed under the top level folder of the mailbox
=> New PST files will support multilingual Unicode data but will only be compatible with Outlook 2003 or later

Report file: C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\Reports\Export_20111124101726.txt

Archives to be exported:
User 1

Time log:

Time: 11:51:17 AM
  Export of archive User 1 failed.
  Reason: Operation aborted

End time: 11:51:19 AM

Results Summary:

User 1 : Failed
  Operation aborted
Storage server: EVSERVER
Exported = 7046; Failed = 1; Remaining = 9348 (57%)
Number of PST files/.cfg files created: 1

Number archives processed:  0
Number archives being processed: 0
Number archives part processed:  0
Number archives not processed:  0
Number archives failed:   1

{end of report}


Anyway hints? Thanks!

  • There might be more information in the eventlog of EV on the server  you ran the export on.

    What sometimes works is to restart the services. Then in the console, goto export again, and select 'manage interrupted exports'. select the one that failed, and continue exporting.

4 Replies

  • There might be more information in the eventlog of EV on the server  you ran the export on.

    What sometimes works is to restart the services. Then in the console, goto export again, and select 'manage interrupted exports'. select the one that failed, and continue exporting.

  • Is the storage service being restarted during the pst export? This is quite a common issue that users are not aware of. Check and make sure that your backup script is not restarting the storage service or someone is restarting it manually.
  • Also, if it's not the storage service being restarted you might need to dtrace pst export processes to find out why it's failing and then aborting at a particular point.
  • You could also try just exporting items within a date range to narrow down the offending item.