Forum Discussion

Ratt_507's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

Archive task fails

EV 11.0.1 with exchange 2013. Archive task getting fail again and again for some exchange servers. Checked system mailbox is ok and Service account have required permission on exchange. 

Getting below error message in Dtrace


924         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:                {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx} (Exit) Status: [The parameter is incorrect.  (0x80070057)]

925         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:                {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1055} Failed to create profile and session for server

926         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:                {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1056} Error being returned : 0x80070057

927         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:               {CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseExclusiveLock:#66} Trying to release lock

928         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:                {CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseExclusiveLock:#70} Released lock.

929         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:      {CMAPISession::CreateMapiSession} (Exit) Status: [The parameter is incorrect.  (0x80070057)]

930         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:       {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Entry)

931         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:       {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Entry)

932         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:      {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#85} Releasing managed store (IExchangeManageStore): [False]

933         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:       {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#91} Releasing message store (IMsgStore): [False]

934         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:       {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Exit)

935         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:       {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Exit)

936         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:               {CMAPISession::GetMapiSessionFromPoolEx} (Exit) Status: [The parameter is incorrect.  (0x80070057)]

937         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:      {CAgentTask::Initialise:#1366} Failed to open privileged MAPI session: [0x80070057]. Aborting agent startup.

938         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:     {IsCurrentUserADomainAdmin:#4649} User is domain admin: [False]

939         14:35:08.778       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV:               {CExchangeVersion::IsExchange2013orAbove:#214} Exchange 2013 or greater: [True]

940         14:35:08.794       [39412]                (ArchiveTask)    <41420>               EV~      Event ID: 3460 The Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task' failed to log on to Exchange server  using mailbox 'SMTP:'. Check that the mailbox has not been hidden, that the server is running and that the vault service account has sufficient permissions on the server. |Enterprise Vault used the following settings for the Outlook Anywhere connection to Exchange 2013 or later: |   Proxy server: '' |   Requires SSL: 'True' |   Certificate principal: '' |If these settings are correct, check that the servers are responding. |Note that Enterprise Vault auto-discovers the proxy server and certificate principal unless you have configured them explicitly in the target domain's properties in the Administration Console, in which case you should check the settings you have made. |For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Already checked couple of EV blogs without any success.


  • After making Exchange Server Proxy entry in Site=> Exchange=> Domain Properties, task started again.

6 Replies

  • Hello,

    Your logfile states somewhere:

    using mailbox 'SMTP:'

    Is that indeed the System Mailbox? Open the task, tab settings. click browse and see what mailboxes you see. Can you reselect the specific system mailbox? Is it hidden? account disabled?


    • Ratt_507's avatar
      Level 4

      Yes, its a system mailbox (i removed it from log file). Its visible and account is enabled. I have 5 mailbox task on same enterprise vault server, only one mailbox task got failed. Also i'm unable to see A1 to A7 queue in MSMQ for this task only R1 and R2 avalible after receration of task.

      • GertjanA's avatar

        YOu should at least see the MSMQ's for the task.

        Did you change the properties on MSMQ? By default, MSMQ storage is 1GB. If you add a 0 to the kb's listed, you get 10GB.

        when done, MSMQ restartes btw.

        When that is done, restart the EV Admin service. That should create the MSMQ's necessary.

        You can run below to get a list of tasks and msmq's belonging to tasks

        Use EnterpriseVaultDirectory
        Select TS.Name "Task Name", JT.MessageQueue "Message Queue Name"
        From Task TS, JournalTask JT
        Where TS.TaskEntryId = JT.TaskEntryID
        Order by JT.MessageQueue