Forum Discussion

margiev's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

File sizes off on folders moved to Netapp

I recently migrated some placeholder files from a Windows 2003 server to a Netapp device, ONTAP version 8.1.

Before migration, the size of the folder on Windows 2003 was size of 2.37 GB, size on disk of 490 MB.  Approximately 39,000 archived files.

After the migration, the size of the folder on the Netapp device was size of 2.37, size on disk of 2.57 GB.  When I view the properties of an archived file on the Netapp device, it shows the size is 47.3 MB, instead of 4 KB.  I am fairly certain that the files are still archived, as I can view the icon on the file, and there is an O attribute on the file.  In addition, the archived files show up in Archive Explorer.

What is the explanation for this? 

  • You will have actual placeholders there. The difference in the size attributes from Windows to NetApp is down to limitations in the NetApp APIs available to us. You can have placeholders where both sizes are set to the original size, or where both sizes are set to 0KB but not one where the size is the original size and the size on disk is the actual size.


9 Replies

  • Hi,

    How did you migrate the placeholders to the NetApp device? If you used FSAUtility, what switches did you use? Based on your description, It seems like the placeholders were recalled during the migration. Running the FSA archiving task should re-archive all the files and replace them by placeholders.

    I hope this helps.

  • I don't know that I agree with you.  I used the -pm switch.  The FSAUTILITY log file said everything was migrated successfully.  The icons on the files show the archived icon, the file attribute for the files shows an O (for offline files), and they exist in Archive Explorer.  If they were unarchived, why would they still remain there?  Why would the offline file attribute be on the file?

    In addition, I created a new folder on the Netapp, and the data in that folder had never been archived before.  I set up an archiving task, the files were archived, according to the daily archive task logs, and yet these files exhibit the same behavior.  The properties of the file show the full size of the file, not 4 KB sizes. 

    Something is out of wack here.

  • I'll try making the registry change suggested and see what happens.  I will have to wait and try this over the weekend.  Thanks!

  • You will have actual placeholders there. The difference in the size attributes from Windows to NetApp is down to limitations in the NetApp APIs available to us. You can have placeholders where both sizes are set to the original size, or where both sizes are set to 0KB but not one where the size is the original size and the size on disk is the actual size.


  • I did make the registry change on the EV server this weekend, migrated some placeholder files, and they do appear as 0 KB.  I have a question for Darren regarding his last comment.  Do you know if a qtree is applied to a folder and there are archived files in this folder, showing 0 KB in size, does the size on disk or actual size count against the qtree quota set for that folder?

  • Also, if you want to update the PH files that show the original size you will have to use FSAUtility to recreate the PH files.  The -f option will have to be used to force the update.