Forum Discussion

Lois2010's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

File Vault Store Partition - RAID Failure


We had a RAID failure a few days ago.

Our file vault partition was on this RAID and the data is unrecoverable.

However we have managed to restore a recent back up of this partition from a back up dated 241015.

My concern is that the files that have been identified to be backed up since the back up will get missed.

I have 3 file system archive tasks scheduled to run daily. according to EVENT ID 40987, the last time they ran (01115) they identified circa 27500 files.

Our policy is for the files to change to shortcut after successful completion of a back up ( we use Back Exec)

Can somebody advise 








  • Any files that had been archived, but not backed up will still exist on the fileshare.  There should not be any "lost" files. 

  • have you looked at the reports from the FSA task itself? they are stored on the EV server as flat files and will have a lot more detail than the event log.

3 Replies

  • Any files that had been archived, but not backed up will still exist on the fileshare.  There should not be any "lost" files. 

  • ok thanks but iIs there a way to double check this. eg. can i find out file name and location of a few of them, then open them  to be sure

  • have you looked at the reports from the FSA task itself? they are stored on the EV server as flat files and will have a lot more detail than the event log.