Forum Discussion

DSilva's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Files not being Collected


I've recently realised that everytime a collection runs for a particular vault store partition, in the end it always states that "Some files were not collected because they have not been backed up."

This has been happening for quite some time now. That particular partition, is configured to collect files more than 10 days old and is also closed.

- I did a quick search on that vault store partition folder and there's about 20K worth of ".dvs" files, many from 2011 for example.

- I double checked the backup configuration and all folders and subfolders are being backed up, it's using a trigger file and there's no "files waiting backup" on the usage report. Running incremental backups daily, weekly differential, monthly full.


I've run a DTRACE (attached) while the Collection task was running, couldn't find anything relevant, but I might not be looking for the right things. The only "errors" I see on the DTRACE are:

"[6548]    (StorageFileWatch)    <27164>    EV:M    The Collector for Partition 194B9D291352F2A42A0AC3314DB9A7D9F1q10000evserver01 did not create a Collection as either the Collection was too small or it did not contain enough files. Collection size = 94528 bytes, number of files = 14"

So..there's 1449 of those events, I've summed the number of files for each event and that adds up to 8187 files.

Assuming those 8187 files cannot be "collected" for the reason stated above, there's still around 12K remaining that should(?) be collected.


Please note that the Collection task seems to be running "fine" generally, collects and creates many .cab's daily, but for some reason isn't collecting some files.

Running  EV 10.0.4 CHF3.


Thanks for reading, any feedback is much appreciated.




  • i just covered this here

    can you see if it gets you in the right direction?

3 Replies

  • i just covered this here

    can you see if it gets you in the right direction?

  • Hi DSilva,

    I would start reading these two technotes:

    How the Enterprise Vault NTFS Collector works

    How do Sparse Collections and the SparseCollectionPercentage setting work?

    If you have less than 15 files ready to be collected (i.e. 14 or less), the files will not be collected due to the MinimumFilesInCollection setting: "The ‘MinimumFilesInCollection' registry value has a default value of 15; therefore by default if there are not 15 or more items in the directory a new Collection file will not be created".

    If you need to change this value, please contact Symantec Technical Support for assistance.

    I hope this helps and welcome to the SYMC connect forums!

  • Thanks AndrewB, that pretty much explains it.

    It will be mostly due to the gap in between the backup and when collections start. What was intriguing me was the amount of items from 2011 and such, but that can be explained by the bulk index upgrades I've been doing lately.


    Thanks for the detailed info GabeV.